Add any of these CPTG (certified pure therapeutic grade) essential oils to your favorite recipes!

Black Pepper Essential Oil
extracted from the plant Piper nigrum of the Piperaceae family. The oil
is made from the unripe fruit of the plant, while white pepper for
household use, is made from the same fruit, but the berry is picked when
fully ripe and the outside layer (pericarp) is removed before drying.
The unripe, sun-dried peppercorns (fruit) are used for the extraction
of the oil, using steam distillation which produces a yield of nearly
warm and spicy essential oil helps to increase warmth of the body and
mind, relieving sore muscles and joints, boost the immune and digestive
system, stimulate the kidneys and disperse bruising by increasing
circulation to the skin.
Cilantro Essential Oil 

The essential oil of cilantro is extracted from the leaves of the plant by a steam distillation.
oil itself is an antioxidant that helps control free radicals. It has
long been known that cilantro also helps in cases of indigestion. Like
other essential oils
such as eugenol (the essential oil of clove) it has bactericidal and
fungicidal properties. It may also have a chelating effect on heavy
metals. (That is it will leach heavy metals out of the system.)
Tangerine Essential Oil
is a wonderfully sweet, fresh and citrusy essential oil and is thought
to promote happiness, and help with nervousness and anxiety. For support of the nervous system, use in the diffuser to
surround yourself with the aroma. The aroma is very popular with
children, and can have the same relaxing effect as for adults.
Tangerine essential oil is also thought to help the digestive system, reducing flatulence - possibly related to its anti-anxiety effects. In addition, tangerine can be beneficial to the skin, used traditionally to help stretch marks and have a positive effect on cellulite.
has also been show to be antimicrobial, antiseptic, antispasmodic,
carminative, digestive, diuretic, hypnotic and a laxative.
Basil Essential Oil

oil is a good tonic for the treatment of nervous disorders and stress
related headaches, migraines and allergies. It is used to clear the mind
and relieve intellectual fatigue, while giving clarity and mental
has a beneficial action on the respiratory tract and is often used for
asthma, bronchitis and sinus infections. It furthermore is also
effective in cases of constipation, nausea, vomiting and cramp, and is
also good when used for menstrual problems.
helps to minimize uric acid in the blood, thus relieving gout. It is
useful in arthritis as well and when used on the skin, it helps to
control acne. In general it refreshes the skin and can also be used on
insect bites.
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