"To see a World in a Grain of Sand And a Heaven in a Wild Flower, Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand And Eternity in an hour...." ~ William Blake.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

H.U.G.S. = Helping us Grow Spiritually

According to the Spiritual Science Research Foundation, the use of touch enhances the transfer of spiritual or subtle-energies up to 100%, when compared to a greeting that does not involve touch. Though the study includes research on the transference of  negative energy, I feel that we all possess some amount of positive energy located in our chakras. It is a constant struggle to bring these energy centers into balance, however, it can be achieved with awareness and focus.

Since yoga means to yoke, yoke with the divine, i.e., the divinity within each one of us, we can use this practice along with meditation to bring spiritual balance, enlightenment, nirvana, etc. Hugging someone you care about or even as a gesture to someone you just met can quite admittedly serve as a spiritual gift. 

Why not hug someone now? By doing so we release our oxytocin, which helps us navigate our world of complex social relationships by rewarding positive social behavior with feelings of contentment and relaxation. Physical touch stimulates the most potent release of oxytocin.

A study by Grewin, Girdler, Amico and Light at the University of North Carolina's department of psychiatry reported  that oxytocin is one factor which gives marriage its beneficial effects by calming distress. Perhaps the increased level of oxytocin explains why married couples live longer.

Married or not, we can all benefit from this release and create an even spiritual experience. So, don't forget to hug someone today and tomorrow and the next day... you'll be glad you did.


Tuesday, February 4, 2014

February is About Love: Discover Your Anahata Chakra

"The Chakra System is a map for the

 journey through life. Its seven rainbow

colors represent the full spectrum of human

 possibility that stretches from the ordinary

 to the extraordinary, from Earth to Heaven."

~ Anodea Judith

     Learning about the chakras gives you access to your programmed responses so you can minimize their negative effects and maximize their positive ones.  The word chakra means wheel or disc. A chakra is a spinning vortex of activity located along the astral spine created by the presence of the consciousness within the physical body. There are seven major chakras whose locations correspond to seven central nerve ganglia branching out from the spinal column. The mind and the body are brought together by the life force running through you.
      In yoga, it is referred to as prana, which is equal to chi. Both mean “life force”. It is this vital energy that the chakras organize. When we work mind and body together (as in yoga), the basic tasks of life flow more smoothly and enjoyably.
     Anahata chakra, the heart chakra, is the seat of balance within the body. There is no longer any concern with attachments to worldly pleasures, honors or humiliations. It governs our ability to give and receive love and most importantly, it allows us to find balance in loving ourselves and accept ourselves for who we are physically, emotionally and spiritually. This energy center is also the bridge between our physical energy centers and spiritual centers. All forms of  breathing or Pranayama can help you use more air, more prana, thereby increasing your vitality and enthusiasm for life and balancing the heart.

     Take some time this month to positively affirm to yourself one or more of the mantras below:

Anahata Affirmations:

I love myself in every area of my life.

I give love and love comes back to me.

I deserve love, prosperity, and happiness in all areas of my life.

My emotions are in balance and in harmony with my energy. 

Spread the love and remember to bring awareness to your heart health this month, too.  Wear red on February 7 to support the fight against the #1 killer....heart disease!