This last week I was honored with two opportunities. The first was to speak and perform a demo for an advanced marathon running group at the Running Fit store in Northville. I was so pleased and pleasantly surprised to find approximately 30 runners prepared (with mats and all!) to unwind with me after their run in our 90 degree weather.
Even amidst the heat and perspiration, the pleasant smiles, warm greetings and positive attitudes were all I needed to share my passion and practice of yoga. Oh, and I failed to mention the fact that we were on Haggerty Rd. outside the store so there was a pertinent need to project my voice over the trailing rush hour. Such a gesture is not typical of a soothing yoga practice, but when the need arises to make do, you make do!
The goal was to stretch and educate on the benefits of yoga to runners. Ahhhhh, where do I begin? To summarize the lengthy answer was a challenge, but not out of my grasp. I presented a foundation with the essence of yoga: breathing, listening, feeling, staying in the present moment and letting go of expectations, judgment and competition. Of course, to combat the 1,000 steps per mile that a runner takes and any physical misalignments, we focused on core, breathing, and mind/body synergy. I pray the evening was mutually beneficial as I was beaming with energy arriving at home.
This energy is identical to the energy I felt consume me after I had the pleasure of stretching out another group of approximately 30 walkers on day two of the infamous 3 Day Walk for Breast Cancer. The atmosphere here was was of friendship, love, humility, and selflessness. Women walking for themselves, for loved ones past, and for endless friends with one common goal.
Details of such an event take months of planning and to provide stanchioned space and (pink) yoga mats but no instructor was merely an oversight I'm sure. When a walker friend called me pleading to instruct, I was honored to assist and join my mother (a two-time walker) to support an endearing cause and share my passion of yoga with others. Though handfuls of walkers bypassed the mat for the medic tent, others awaited instruction and relief on their pink mats.
With my 11-year-old son at my side (and camera in his hand) we made our way through the barricades, police and volunteers to make way to the main camp. We were greeted by fatigued, but spirited walkers and soon the flow began...fulfillment for a yogini, a serendipitous experience for my son (from vans decorated with undergarments to port-a-potties with Dr. Seuss on them), pain relief for the walker's arduous day, and a dose of gratefulness for all.
Cancer surrounds us in all forms and the benefits of yoga are vast. From improved sleep patterns, to self awareness and acceptance, to empowerment of the mind to stress reduction and beyond, yoga brings peace and balance to all those who seek it. A cleansing breath brings detoxification and purification. Strength is built and/or maintain when the physical body is weak. If only to give yourself the time you deserve for yourself, an hour for the day or for a week. Learn to live yoga off the mat and see your life and world transformed.
Blessings to all those touched by cancer in any form. For strength, for love, for hope and eternal peace.