In addition to my private yoga instruction, I am pleased to announce two new classes at the Novi Civic Center come January 2011. Looking forward to seeing you there!
Online registration begins December 13, 2010 at www.cityofnovi.org.
Restorative Yoga ~ Tuesday at 10am
Create balance physically and mentally with Hatha yoga poses and meditation. Bring your response system back into equilibrium by triggering the parasympathetic nervous system. This class is suitable for the beginner to intermediate level. Bring a mat, strap, block and towel/blanket.
Chakra Yoga ~ Saturday at 10am
Explore all three aspects of your yoga practice (physical, mental and energy/spiritual) and tailor them to your unique personality and circumstances. This journey will take you deep within yourself to experience the balance and union that is yoga. This class will include some Vinyasa flow and is suitable for beginner through intermediate level. Bring a mat and blanket/towel.
Namaste ~ MJ