"To see a World in a Grain of Sand And a Heaven in a Wild Flower, Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand And Eternity in an hour...." ~ William Blake.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Pendulums: How to Choose Before You Use

Let's begin with what a pendulum is...simply stated, a pendulum is a weight hanging from a fixed point.  When pulled and released, the force of gravity and inertia create movement.  However, when no force is inflicted on the weight something begins to happen naturally, energy moves the weight with a little help from the unconscious mind.
In Chakra Balancing, the pendulum is held over one of the seven major Chakras (wheel or disk) and the energy from this source.  The energy level will reveal balance, a block or imbalance by the way the pendulum is moving.
Choosing a pendulum is a very personal thing.  You can make your own, but if you are new to dowsing I suggest you purchase one from your local metaphysical store.  There are many on line, but you cannot test them. Because the energy of your mind is also utilized, you need to be able to clear your mind to choose and use.
When we were young we were "in tune" with life, but now that we are in the adult world, that intuition has diminished and we have allowed negative energy and programming to consume us.  We have lost the ability to connect with the Higher Self.
The pendulum, as an extension of the person using it,  may be influenced both consciously and subconsciously making the responses accurate as well as inaccurate. Wishful thinking or a preconceived outcome, however slight, can be magnified making the use of the pendulum in that instance ineffective. The user  must take steps to prevent this through training the mind.
So even before you use a pendulum you need to clear your mind to choose one.  Allow yourself the chance to be drawn to one should there be too many to choose.  Don't touch at first, just look.  Look at the shapes and colors.  Some are made of wood, metal or crystals.  I find crystals work best for me, but the choice is solely yours and yours alone.  Which one are you drawn to?  Pick it up.  Hold the string/cord/chain between your thumb and forefinger.  Ask the pendulum "show me yes".  Wait for it to move and note the direction.  After it has stopped, ask it "show me no". Note the direction of movement.  Now you can ask it "Is this the right pendulum for me?". Note the direction.  If there is no movement at all, it clearly is not the pendulum for you even if you like the way it looks. As in life, we cannot judge by looks alone.  We need to feel good about it from our heart and in this case, mind.
Continue to test pendulums until you find one with a positive feel and answer.  After getting your pendulum home, be sure to rinse it in water until you feel any negative energy has been removed.  Allow it to soak up pure sunlight for any amount of time until you feel it is recharged.  Keep your pendulum safe and perhaps in a pouch or box where no one else can touch it so as not to collect other energy than your own.
Trust your pendulum and the ability to clear your mind when asking questions.  Your mind can play heavily on responses so you must be neutral when asking and be sure not to ask questions that elevate your own energy field.
Enjoy your pendulum and see the Bhakti Wellness website for more information on Chakra Balancing.  You may find that the pendulum you chose was a result of your own energy center(s) and their need for balance. There are many characteristics to each Chakra and two are color and crystals....