Ever feel exhausted for no reason? Well, maybe you know the reason, but when it's emotional it's hard to admit or swallow the truth. When my heart is wounded I "Pop!" like a balloon. It's that simple. Someone can instantly bring me down to a level that I despise and little do they know that they bring my belief, love and respect for them down, too. It's like carbonation without the fizz or a parade without a band.
It's so hard to get the momentum back. The bright and shiny train I was riding on fell off the track and off a cliff! I fight to stay strong knowing I can conquer the day since I've been through so much worse, or have I? Emotional healing is physically debilitating and even an optimist needs to soul search for strength. It's a silent and private journey this time, therefore, no comforting words from the cheer squad. Some things we have to endure alone, right?
The savior for me is just that, my Savior! Who else could possibly comfort me or hold me in grace like I was a newborn child? Comfort comes from the Word:
Philippians 4:13 "...in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need. 13I can do all things through Him who strengthens me."
And prayer, of course. Always a given, tride-and-true! I often find myself in thanksgiving for prayers answered. I am humble in my petitions and am so blessed to have found peace in our Creator. This was not always the case, but I have weathered many storms (a lot of my own accord) and risen like a phoenix out of the ashes. (see Flight of the Phoenix)
The pain has passed and I am on the mend, but the damage is done. Gestures of kindness replace words of solace. The daylight fades and darkness follows. I believe the sun will rise tomorrow and a new day will dawn. Love and peace are my earthly quests, thus, let nothing sabotage my journey!
Om asatoma...from darkness to light.
Blessings/Namaste ~ MJ