"To see a World in a Grain of Sand And a Heaven in a Wild Flower, Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand And Eternity in an hour...." ~ William Blake.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Six Nights of Sunsets by MJ LaDuke

*no reproduction of photo without written permission by MJ LaDuke

Anticipating a sunset often brings you to a myriad of flashbacks...from oceans to lakes across the country to islands far away to countries overseas. But tonight, the Great Lakes, one in particular, bring solace to the heart, peace to the mind and comfort to the soul allowing us to stay in the present moment. Let us look no further than the present and no farther into the past without creating unrest. For each sunset brings new meaning to life and new additions to our dreams.
A new destination brings depth to the spirit and a smile to the face when savoring the moment the sun meets the horizon. The anticipation soared as we approached our destination, we were taunted with each turn of our trek. A glimpse of the lake was in sight for but a moment only to disappear swiftly by a vast verdant abyss of pines, fruit laden trees and endless rows of maize. Each fork in the road exalted berries, fruit or wood!
With an endless view of the Great Lake in sight we arrived at our destination, yet the journey began anew as we set a new course for our Six Nights of Sunsets...a walk down the jetty proclaimed unrest on one side and tranquility on the other. The fishermen emerged as dusk drew near and the young-at-heart created their own memories as fearless stunts graced the waves and the chill of the water caressed their bodies. Their silhouettes glistened in the sun and their shadows danced with the skyline as we awaited the moment when the sun kissed the earth.
The clouds grew bountiful, but the source of all life jetted through each sliver of space offering beams of light to dance on the water below. As the end drew near the clouds gracefully passed and revealed the burning orange sphere. The beauty went unnoticed by many as they continued on with their evening play. Children's laughter drifted from the swings, teenagers demonstrated their athletic prowess off of the jetty and sweethearts walked hand-in-hand along the water's edge.
The moment came and swiftly went and now we anticipate the setting of the second night. As the eyes are closed and the sounds of the waves crash upon the shore, they sound not unlike that of the ocean. But something in the sound of the fresh water waves exudes more comfort than their salty counterpart. Perhaps the cooler nights and the unity of family that abounds create a heartfelt feeling that only the change in seasons can bring.
On this night, the sun is clearly visible as the clouds linger above the unique giver of life sharing warmth and beauty to all that acknowledge its presence. Behind the jetty it slowly sinks into the water and brings light to the other side of the sleeping world. As we say goodnight to the day we embrace the night that we are left with and each other. Only the aura of what once existed remains.
The third day brings unrest to the surrounding waters and even the partner of jetties can't hold back the force of the tide and winds. The animated weather brings clouds so dense not even a mere glimpse of the sun can be found yet the rituals of many remain the same. However, the spirited waters welcome brave souls to ride her waves as if upon the salty oceans. A conquered surf reveals yet another purpose for each evening whether a blatant or clandestine sun.
Into the night the weather turned restless to reveal a morning filled with a blanket of fog. The lighthouse faded and remained cloaked well into the afternoon hours. To the sailor's delight, the hours passed and the veil slowly lifted as the vast lake opened her arms once again welcoming the last Dog Days of summer. The fate of the next setting of the sun was sealed and hearts walked with a lighter step with anticipation of the evening's ethereal beauty.
And so it came. The lighthouse stood tall and proud as a beacon for all. The sun's audience faded this eventide, but for those loyal fans the show was grand. A tequila sunrise kissed the horizon as it spanned across the lake. The prism of color remained into the night as onlookers faded, yet the memory will live on in hearts and dreams for nights to come.
On this fifth evening the clouds were absent; Not one decorated the canvas of the night. A blazing sun exuded nobility and nostalgia as the setting was anticipated by all. Not even the smallest white cap erupts from the water. Only a slow ripple rolls across the lake to enhance the glistening path of light and even the fish swim beyond the lures to maintain the serenity. Stillness has arrived.
The journey down the jetty was like no other this week...waves remained obsolete and the path dry. The end became the beginning as we watched and waited. The breathtaking ritual was full of grace and prowess admired by most, and missed by few. Patience brings the pinnacle of the holiday to full circle.
The sixth and final sunset was a backdrop for the consummation of the holiday. The evening
held a plethora of memories from dawn to dusk from undulating greens and sparkling waters to
historical landmarks and thought provoking cinema. Though the mesmerizing sphere fell slowly below the horizon with less attention than deserved it was not forgotten nor dismissed. As the last rays danced upon the water, we hold the shining star in our hearts for eternity as it feeds our souls and nurtures our spirit. Without it, we would surely perish.

*No reproduction of any part or whole of article without written consent by the author.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Living in the Present (Moment)

After hearing Mike Babcock, NHL coach of the Detroit Red Wings, speak today, I had to immediately put pen to paper for his words resonated with me as a yogini as I'm sure it did for many of the 400+ in attendance even without a yoga mindset.

It often takes a tragedy to stop us in our tracks and allow for a better perspective on life, but Mike Babcock lives each day with a positive attitude and a perspective based on his core There was nothing he could emphasize more than to cherish each day with those you love.

Yesterday afternoon many lives were touched with tragedy including Mike Babcock. A Russian aircraft carrying 45 passengers crashed just after takeoff outside Yaroslavl leaving only two survivors. Three of the fatalities were affiliated with the Red Wings and Babcock changed his practiced speech accordingly...

"If you live in the present, how could you ever go wrong?", he remarked. It doesn't take years of yoga training and philosophy to realized that if you stop dwelling in the past and dreading the future, you can have a joyful life each day. Some advantages of living in the moment include decreasing mind made suffering, increase in clarity of thought, creating a sense of calm which can eliminate fear, and achieving an emotionally positive mindset.

How does one arrive at such a state, however? Babcock reminds himself each morning of his choice to be positive or not. As he comments about the "Upward Success Spiral", he encourages listeners to "find something you are good at!". If you are passionate about something you are good at you will become great by default. Babcock has one fear. That fear is not to be great. So each morning he stays in the moment and continues on his quest to be the best coach he can be, the best husband he can be, and the best father he can be.

As YogaFit teaches, the essence is as follows: Let go of expectations, judgment, competition, listen, feel, breath, and stay in the present moment. How else could anyone manage the daily challenges, curve balls and temptations we are presented with? His advice was sincere, heartfelt and genuine. May we all live each day as he does and be great at our passions!

"We are not held back by the love we didn't receive in the past, but by the love we're not extending in the present."
Marianne Williamson

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Introduction to Kids Yoga

The statistics relating to health, fitness and obesity in children today are daunting. Allow them the gift early on of connecting their mind, body and spirit as they take their first step on the path of yoga. During this customized workshop, they will enjoy movement, increase body awareness and self esteem, and begin to take responsibility for their overall health.

Saturday, July 30 from 11am - 12:30pm or

Sunday, July 31 from 1pm - 2:30pm
both in the Bhakti Studio

$15 per child (ages 6-12)

Each child will receive a Yoga Guide to take home and a chakra crystal.

Email to reserve your child's spot today! Limited space available.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Gifts of Summer

Children catching fireflies.
Mesmerized by the light.
Freedom in flight.
Drift by night.
Follow the path of pure delight.

Close your eyes.
Feel the breeze.
Listen how it kisses the leaves.
Floating through the trees.
Gently blowing over the seas.

"If we pursue mere earthly gain,
We choose a path that ends in pain;
But joy remains within the soul
When we pursue a heavenly goal."

~ D. De Haan

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Surya Namaskara: Sun Salutation

Experience the morning air and the rising sun as we give gratitude for our source of life. A spiritually robust time of day to connect with the mind, body and spirit. Allow yourself the time you deserve while you focus on the breath entering and exiting the body. Awaken the spine and create a day of purpose.

Friday, June 24 at 7:30am in Ford Field, Northville

Call 586-929-0806 for details or visit $10 per person ($5 is donated to the American Heart Association).

Namaste~ MJ, Bhakta

"Forgiveness is Free. Hate is Expensive."
(Bitterness eats the soul)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Charming Jewels Offer Abundant Rewards

There couldn't be a better time to host a Jewel Kade party or, simply, a GNO! This fashion forward, hand-made line boasts simple style and simple prices. Whether you prefer one chain or the layered look, JK has it all! From custom charms, to birthstone accents, glitter sticks and more!
Become a hostess in May and receive 10% of your party sales in JK cash, TWO free pieces of jewels (select items - one is picture on right, grey layering pearls) and any item at half off with a booking. Just email me at for details or to set a date!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Blossom of Love

To have loved, but never to have had.
To have had, but to never have loved or been loved.
To lose what you have always loved.
To have lost the only chance to love.
To lose love to another.
To grieve. To mourn. To weep.
Hold me close to soften my heart.
Hold me with intention and earnest.
Hold me like no other.
Hold me once again.
Hold me if you can.
To live each day without love I look to the sky.
I look to the clouds.
I look to the trees.
I know you feel me.
Touch my face.
Kiss my cheek.
Caress my skin.
For in nature you find peace.
For in nature I find solace.
Breath of life fill my soul.
Lift my spirit.
Carry me past this desolate space.
Show me hope in each new bloom.
Through space and time love empowers, embodies, engulfs.
Through growth and change love evolves into a beauty not unlike the lotus.
The spectrum of life brings the color of change.
From root to crown I leave my life.
Unite me with the divine.
Om Namah Shivaya.
I honor the place in you that is love, truth, light, and peace.
When you are in this place in you, and I am in this place in me, we are one.
by MJ LaDuke

*no reproduction or use of this article without written permission by the author.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Let the Angels Guide Us Today

Angels are beautiful to see
They fly like a bird, totally free
They look like humans,
But with a heart of gold.
Their wings expand the Universe,
Their love surrounds us all.
Up above flying free
See the beauty of the Angels,
Open your heart and eyes,
They are waiting on our call.

(Helen Jane Read)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Thought For Today

Part of the essence of YogaFit is Staying in the Present Moment. We can do this through mindful awareness and with a daily mantra:

"I fly, I soar, released from the past, unbound from the future. Earth and sky meet me in this everlasting moment. I am here now."

I also wanted to share this wellness tip today:

Drink a glass of lemon water each morning (I do before my coffee). It assists in the following ways:
~ Rejuvenates the skin from the inside with Vitamin C.
~ Relieves heartburn, bloating and constipation.
~ Fights throat infections.
~ Natural diuretic.
~ With high potassium, helps high blood pressure as well as asthma.
~ And so much more!!!!


Sunday, January 16, 2011

Inspiring Classes and Students Bring Gratitude and Humility

I wanted to take the time to say thank you to all those who have been attending my Wednesday night class at St. James Church in Novi. We started off our New Year with two full classes, new faces as well as old ones and new energy! Last week I left on a high like no other thus far. As the light increases each day we will anticipate Spring together and all of the new birth that naturally arises. Out of the earth we will rise like the lotus flower or perhaps the phoenix.
I am inspired from my already accomplished 2011 YogaFit training and, more so, from my students. Nothing gives greater pleasure, and gratitude, than to share this beautiful practice together especially when it comes from your own child.
As I sip my African Solstice tea with rooibos (Tea Forte)I reflect back on my already satisfying practice this month (and we're only half way through). Bringing heartfelt pleasure was my morning just this day with my nine-year-old daughter. We viewed, in half lotus, Anodea Judith's Illuminated Chakra DVD. From root to crown we followed an ethereal journey of light as the scent of patchouli filled the air.
When we arrived at the Vishuddha (throat) Chakra, we both verbalized "Om". It came so naturally to did her selection of crystals to assess her Chakras: carnelian. The pendulum only slowed at her Svadhisthana. The rest were perfect!
My yogini apprentice was born today. And I thought scrapbooking with her was special!
Blessed are we who can find peace in our hectic world and share it with others.

Monday, January 3, 2011

New Class at Power House Novi

Beginning next Tuesday, January 11, I will be teaching Yoga Flow at the new Power House Gym in Novi at the Fountain Walk. I am very excited about this new opportunity and look forward to seeing new faces.
The New Year has already brought new opportunities to my world of world of peace and balance. I pray that everyone is able to find new beginnings, nurture current relationships and find closure where needed. Often it is the new window that opens when the door closes that allows us to rise like the phoenix...from ashes into beauty.
Our foundation (muladhara chakra)is key in life as it is in each asana. To allow our roots to grow deep, our (mula) bandha allows us to increase core stability, protect our lower back, increase mental clarity, and enables us to hold each posture longer. The bandha also contains the flow of energy.
With mastery of our foundation we are able to move into the second chakra....building our strength and allowing the prana or chi to flow through our nadis (energy pathways).

"When I am fully present in this moment I have everything I need."