"To see a World in a Grain of Sand And a Heaven in a Wild Flower, Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand And Eternity in an hour...." ~ William Blake.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Nourish the Conscience

"What we call conscience is the voice of Divine Love in the deep of our being, desiring union with our will." ~ J. P. Greaves

Let us Pray...

God of Widsom,
open my mind and heart to your will,
and shape my conscience with your love.
Send your Spirit and guide me to grow in understanding.
Help me make the good and loving choices you call me to make.

May your intentions on the mat be heartfelt and insightful. Use the third eye to look within and the heart to feel Divine love. Allow the intake of each new breath to nourish the physical and energy body as the pranayama (extension of the lifeforce) travels from crown to root through the nadis.
Let this intention be released in order to heal and return to you new or as something different. Let go of your will and desire in order to let your path of existence to flourish.

~ Namaste, MJ